Fragment of Life

Digital, Risograph. 2019

When I started the concept design of this project, I wanted to utilize retro hues to present four different moments, i.e., happiness that I felt suddenly, the moment of surprise, beautiful memory in childhood, and some abstract feelings. This project beckons viewers by attending to the un-monumental details of daily life. Bright, graphic, and rich in color and symbolic referents. As for drawing techniques, I chose spot colors and added some thin pencil lines as details for the sake of an enriching sense of the picture. And when printing, I used the yellowish textured papers to increase textures.


This is a kind of feeling that occurs in the morning when I’m half-asleep. I have a box and really want to know what’s in it. So I desperately look inside the box. But I find a scene where I am doing my best looking inside box in my hand in this box. This looks like a kind of dreamy reincarnation. There are lots of similar things in life. We spare no efforts to search for answers but just find processes during which different people seek answers. We won’t see true answers for ever. I draw a lot of messy lines on hairs of the figure to express cluttered mood. Cirrus in the background are not only helpful to imply that last frame is in the same scene as that in the front but also suggest a kind of potential uninterrupted and endless loop. I only use two colors of blue and red.

Coffee Shop

This is a scene where a dog in the owners arms and studies together with the owner. When people focus on their own affairs, this little white dog make all of us laugh out and relieve our nervous moods. I transfer lights to four frames and add punctuate textures to increase details of lights. And in details, it can be seen that first boy on the left eats up his Croissant little by little and the girl in the middle draws on her ipad. The desktop and objects on it are differentiated by means of hollowing out and simplifying. I use three colors of green, yellow and orange to present a kind of fresh and relaxed atmosphere.

Summer Happiness

In this painting, my whole body is dripping with sweat in summer. Therefore I buy a cup of iced beverage which also sweats like people. When I drink the beverage, I immediately feel cool and happy. The pattern on my clothes is a mass of flames at the beginning but ice cubes in the cup become the textures of my body when drinking beverage. This implies that I feel physically cool. I use three colors of red, orange and blue in this painting among which colors of red and orange stand for sweltering heat of summer and blue coolness.
